Friday, August 15, 2014

Life Update + Glass City Con + Otakon + Sketch Dump

Hey everyone! I have sketches for you today! Did you miss them? lol I think I'm finally near the end of my 2012 and 2013 sketches. haha I need to start getting new images for 2014. I'm definitely going to change it up soon. I'm not going to scan them as often anymore (takes too long and it's not connected to my computer because it's too big and takes up too much space) and instead take photos which I feel is more appealing showing my tools of the trade and atmosphere.

As you all have known, I've been busy with cons the last few weeks and I had a great time! It was awesome to meet and talk to new people! I still need to go through all the business cards and info I got from artists. lol I'm so slow at doing that. I think I still have some from Otakon last year that I need to go through. I'm terrible. XD I'm going to try to knock those out in the next week.

Sales were poor overall at both cons. I'm a bit disappointed but like I said above. Talking to all the other awesome creators made up for it, mostly at Glass City Con because it was so small. Otakon AA peeps were busy but I enjoyed talking to the few that I was able to talk to when they weren't busy. But I am grateful for anyone who talked or purchased from me! I really do appreciate it and I hope to keep growing. Hopefully you guys will stick around with me long enough to see that. ^_~

The one thing about cons I find is that once a con is over, I have an overwhelming need to create more and improve myself. lol Seeing all the inspiring art and creativity just makes me want to do better and I really need that motivation. Too bad it doesn't last more than a few weeks. Someone want to volunteer to kick me in the rear if I don't get anything done? lol

Ok, lately I've decided to try to finish a novella or novel. Depends on how the word count ends. It's at 26k right now but it's not completed. Then it needs to be edited. I might translate that into a comic. I haven't decided yet. It originally was going to be one but we'll see how long I can do it for. lol I have a feeling it'll take me forever. Still I want to get something done. The story is Blindfolded Love. It's basically the characters you guys keep seeing in most of my sketches. lol

I also need to finish/edit some other minor comics and stories I've started but haven't quite finished. I probably should abandon one but I want to fix it and get it done. It's hard for me because I'm such a perfectionist. I know I need to finish and then start something new or I'll never move on or improve.

Oh, I did get a 2013 Winners T-shirt from the Nanowrimo store! lol Got a discount for winning Campnano and decided to get my well deserved shirt. I also need new clothes and I figured I might as well buy one showing off my achievements! lol

So yeah, it's been a fairly busy few weeks. I also helped a friend move and then this weekend I'll help my sister move. I plan on binge reading whenever I can and I definitely need to catch up on my journals, writing, and sketching. *sigh*

Hope things have been good on your end!

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