Friday, February 14, 2014

Homework Sketch Dump 24 + Simplifying

Happy Valentine's Day! Or to my single peeps, Happy Single-Awareness Day! I'll be celebrating with the later but I don't plan on doing it alone! I'll be hanging out with my other single peeps so don't celebrate alone! Take care of yourselves and have fun. ^_~

Wow, I ended up having a cold this week. It's mostly sneezing and a runny nose but it's still annoying. I suppose it's due to the roller coaster of temperatures here and the fact my Dad doesn't like to keep the heat on too long. I think it was also due to the fact I ate some peanuts at Logan's too, I think it's been cross contaminated with gluten some how because it destroyed my immune system/intestines. Still dragged my butt to work but I wasn't totally awake either. lol Anyways, I've been feeling terrible this past week.

Instead of writing or sketching I ended up mostly reading books which I needed to be doing anyway. My head was a bit too foggy to do much else. lol

Before I got sick I have been doing some thinking. I ended up talking to my Mom about my story ideas and she basically said, "Your ideas are too complicated. You should simplify them."

Of course I said that I like complicated stories because I like ones that make me think and are fast paced. Although, as I sat back and thought about it (and read some books) I realized she was right. (Aren't Moms always right? XD) So I'm trying to take a step back and decide what my stories are really about and then start from there. Of course I still need to finalize some background/histories but it's funny how without meaning to you over-complicate things?

Sketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It's interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD

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