Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Manga Contest + Birthday

Okie dokie, here is Eilam with Magdelene(belongs to Hatchii), he is serenading her. XD It's a collaboration between Hatchii and me, this was my sketch idea. I had the idea and she loved it so you can view the finished piece here @ dA. I think it turned out nice. Hatchii did the line art and I colored. :D

Here is Citlali and Marcus(belongs to Hapa-Haole), this was my sketch idea. She liked how Citlali looked but changed Marcus's pose which was fine. Hers suited him better. :D You can view the finished piece here @ dA. I liked this piece a lot too, they made a good team. We even wrote a little blurb of the story that led up to that situation. lol It was fun. She is a really good writer. 

Ok, back to the webcomic progress. I didn't have time to do the 24 hour comic day again. lol But I did manage to finish(mostly) the manga I wanted to do for the contest. You can read them here Unleash @ Smackjeeves and AlieNations @ Smackjeeves but be warned that Unleash is not toned yet (am working on it) but is completed story-wise. Unleash will include other little stories associated with the collaboration or may include other side stories I decide for Eilam or Citlali. And AlieNations will be cleaned up, and the other aliens will get redesigned although the idea will also remain the same. AlieNations will be updated as a strip(most likely) from now on and will most likely be experimental as well as personal for me.

So I've finished for the most part, just need to clean up and complete the tones. :D Not bad in under a month. XD I don't think I'll have as much free time to do that again. However, I did learn a few things, such as work on my time management and to leave more space in the panels. I didn't realize how much space speech bubbles took. XD So I had to change some of the dialogue and bubble to make them all fit. lol

It was fun to do all of this, now I need to work on finishing the others and work on my speed. lol I was never very good at finishing things very quickly...T_T OH also my birthday is coming up, yay! October 14, don't even ask how old...T_T Getting too old now...OTL

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