Friday, March 14, 2014

Homework Sketch Dump 27 + April Campnanowrimo 2014

I'm still working on CampNanoWrimo stuff. Mostly outlines and trying to figure out the story line/time line. Yeah I know that's kind of vague but the week before April I'll go ahead and give a brief summary of the story. It'll be interesting as I've been bouncing the idea off a few friends who appear to be extremely interested in the story. I still have a few kinks I need to work out though. lol

Speaking of that, would anyone be interested in joining my cabin this April Campnano? My username is "aisazia" and since it has to be a mutual acceptance you'll have to share your username with me. :) The only thing I ask is that you'll be active. I've done it before but my cabin mate quickly fell off the wagon...Hoping to not have that happen this time around.

Comment or contact me if you're interested! :)

Sketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It's interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD

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